Turbo C Configuration File c:\turboc\tchk c:\turboc\include;c:\turboc\userlib c:\turboc\lib :\TCHKDEMO.PRJ B\HKINC.PRJ byte = unsigned char Contents COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER .......................................... 3 TRADEMARKS ........................................................ 3 LICENSE ........................................................... 3 BACKGROUND ........................................................ 3 FILES ............................................................. 4 IN THE BEGINNING.. ................................................ 4 FEATURES .......................................................... 5 FUNCTIONS ......................................................... 5 atrim - trims leading and trailing blanks .................... 7 ltrim - trims leading blanks ................................. 7 rtrim - trims trailing blanks ................................ 7 box - draw a box ............................................. 8 clear - clears a portion of the screen ....................... 9 clear_typeahead - clear typeahead buffer ..................... 10 cls - clear screen ........................................... 11 cursor_flip - toggle the cursor type ......................... 12 cursor_off - turn the cursor off ............................. 13 cursor_on - turn the cursor on ............................... 14 dayofyear - calculate the day of the year .................... 15 daysleft - calculate the days left in the year ............... 16 ddatetolong - convert a date to long string .................. 17 ddatetoshort - convert a date to long string ................. 18 ddatetostr - convert a date to abbrev. string ................ 19 delay - wait for a time delay ................................ 20 diffddate - calculate the difference in 2 dates .............. 21 getc_match - get specific input, case independent ........... 22 getk_match - get specific input, case dependent .............. 22 getddate - inputs a date from the keyboard ................... 23 getdouble - inputs a double from the keyboard ................ 24 getfname - get a filename from the keyboard .................. 25 getget - get a string from the keyboard w/editing ............ 26 getint - inputs an integer from the keyboard ................. 27 getk - get a key ............................................. 28 getlogical - get Yes/No ...................................... 29 getreal - inputs a real from the keyboard .................... 30 getstr - input a string from the keyboard .................... 31 getyn - get Yes/No ........................................... 32 gotoxy - move cursor to coordinates (x,y) .................... 33 horiz_line - draw a horizontal line .......................... 34 inkey - get a key ............................................ 35 intlen - calculate length of integer in a string ............. 36 isCGA - is Color Graphics adapter installed .................. 37 isEGA - is Enhanced Graphics adapter installed ............... 37 isHerc - is Hercules Graphics adapter installed .............. 37 isMDA - is Monochrome adapter installed ...................... 37 isEMSavail - is EMS available ................................ 38 isleapyear - is a year a leap year ........................... 39 leftstr - return the left portion of string .................. 40 midstr - return a piece of a string .......................... 40 rightstr - return the right portion of a string .............. 40 lotus_setup - creates info for menu_lotus() .................. 41 menu_lotus - Lotus style menu ................................ 42 monthexpand - convert a month abbrev to its name ............. 44 putk - put a character w/attribute on the screen ............. 45 putsay - put a string with attribute on the screen ........... 46 putstr - put a string with attribute on the screen ........... 47 read_cursor - reads cursor information ....................... 48 read_mode - find screen width, mode and page ................. 49 restore_box - restore a part of the screen ................... 50 restore_screen - restore screen .............................. 51 ROM_date - gets the ROM id date .............................. 52 ROM_id - gets the ROM id byte ................................ 53 save_box - save a part of the screen ......................... 54 save_screen - save screen .................................... 55 scroll_down - scroll window down ............................. 56 scroll_up - scroll window up ................................. 57 set_color - set the default attribute (color) ................ 58 set_cursor - sets cursor scan lines .......................... 59 set_mode - set the video mode ................................ 60 strcomma - convert a string to xx,xxx,xxx format ............. 61 strdel - delete part of a string ............................. 62 strins - insert one string into another ...................... 63 strrep - replicate a char .................................... 64 strshleft - shift string left ................................ 65 strshright - shift string right .............................. 65 strtoddate - convert a date string to a structure ............ 66 strtodol - converts a string to dollar format ................ 67 strtotime - convert a string to a time structure ............. 68 timetostr - convert time structure to a string ............... 69 valid_date - check if a date is valid ........................ 70 vert_line - draw a vertical line ............................. 71 wherex - X-coordinate of cursor ............................. 72 wherey - y-coordinate of cursor ............................. 73 #DEFINES .......................................................... 74 Datehk.h ..................................................... 74 Howard.h ..................................................... 74 Ibm.h ........................................................ 74 Math.h ....................................................... 75 Video.h ...................................................... 75 VARIABLE TYPES .................................................... 75 GLOBAL VARIABLES .................................................. 76 Keyboard variables: .......................................... 76 Video variables: ............................................. 76 FUTURE REVISIONS .................................................. 76 INDEX ............................................................. 79